The Establishment of a Covenant People: The Promises of…
Genesis 19:1-29 The Judgment on Sodom If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Genesis 19. Last week in our study of Genesis 18, the Lord revealed to Abraham his plan to judge Sodom and Gomorrah. And Abraham was moved to intercede on behalf of the loss in those cities and he pled with the Lord mightily, interceded for Him, taking the place of the covenant mediator or representative and intercede for those who were under the condemnation of God's righteous judgment. This week we came to the graphic sequel. And very frankly, there are parts of this passage and other passages in Genesis that are a little embarrassing to read, but the Lord has put them in His words, and according to Paul in his book of Timothy, all scripture is profitable and it's for our…