The Establishment of a Covenant People The Promises of…
Genesis 14:1-24 The Promises of God (The Life of Abraham)- 4. The Battle of the Kings If you have your Bibles please turn with me to Genesis, chapter 14. Our Lord and God, we love Your word, and we ask now that we would open our eyes to behold Your truth for us today from this, Your holy word. We ask that by the Spirit our eyes might perceive the great truth of this passage, and we might also, O Lord, receive, humbly, believingly, its instruction for us. We ask these things in Jesus' name, Amen. In this passage, for the first time, God's plan of redemption for His people and specifically His promises to Abram intersect with secular, national, or maybe better, tribal military history. Now we see this many times in the later history of Israel where Israel's military conquests are…