The Establishment of a Covenant People: The Promises of…
Genesis 23:1-20 Abraham, the Stranger If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Genesis 23. The last two weeks we have reviewed the climatic demonstration of Abraham's faith, his love to God in the offering of Isaac, his son, his only son whom he loved, and we have seen God's gracious oath given to Abraham in response, an oath of commitment to Abraham in which He swore by Himself to fulfill His promises. And this week we come to the very last of our studies in the life of Abraham. Oh, Abraham will be around for a few chapters to come, but after Genesis 23, Moses emphasis is on Isaac and his family. And so as we come to Genesis 23, I think you’ll agree with me there is a bitter sweetness, a poignancy about this chapter. Let's hear then God's holy word…