Why was I a Guest?
The Lord's Day Morning November 28, 2010 Luke 14:7-24 “Why was I a Guest?” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke chapter 14. We’re going to be looking at verses 7 to 24 today. And as you get to that passage in your Scripture, I'd like you to take your hymnals back out and turn right back to number 715, the hymn we just sang, because I want you to see an image that's used in the hymn and compare it to what we're about to read. The first stanza of this hymn speaks about thanksgiving to God for the good harvest that He's provided. It's the classic harvest hymn. We sing it very often at Thanksgiving time. I'm sure that was the occasion it was originally intended for. But in the second, third, and fourth…