Today Salvation Has Come to This House
The Lord's Day Morning May 1, 2011 “Today Salvation Has Come to This House” Luke 19:1-10 The Reverend Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you’d turn with me in your Bibles to Luke chapter 19, we are coming to a passage that is very familiar to you. Perhaps you first heard or sung about this passage in Vacation Bible School as a child if you grew up in the church. How many of you could still sing “Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he”? I can. I see some hands out there. I can. I certainly can. But this is a very grown up story. It's a very simple but profound story. It's a powerful story of conversion. And I want you to look at its context, even as you have your figure on Luke 19 verses 1 to 10. I want you to notice something. Look at the passage that…