Why Christ Gifted the Church
The Lord's Day Morning April 9, 2006Communion Sunday Ephesians 4:11-13 “Why Christ Gifted the Church” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III Please open your Bibles to Ephesians, chapter four, as we continue working our way through this great letter of the Apostle Paul to the church of Ephesus, and to us, since “all Scripture is given by inspiration and is profitable for our reproof and correction, and training in righteousness.” We have described this discussion of church unity that has dominated the verses of Ephesians 4 several times, and in the outline that I've provided for you this morning I've tried to refresh your mind as to where we have been. Last week we looked at Ephesians 4:7-13 where Paul emphasized the diversity of gifts in the body. Whereas in Ephesians 4:1-6 the focus…