The Glory Cloud
First Presbyterian Church Wednesday Evening Worship May 21, 2003 Exodus 40:34 “The Glory Cloud” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III Exodus, chapter 40…this is a fun section, though. This is a glorious section of Exodus 40. It's almost as if the Lord's rewarding you at the end of those long tedious descriptions from Exodus 35-39, and really into the middle of chapter 40, with this glorious spectacle. In Exodus 40 we have a view of the completion of the tabernacle, and of its consecration into the Lord's service, and in verses 1-15, the last time we were together we saw that there we have a detailed set of divine instructions for how to set up the tabernacle; and then, in verses 16-33, we have a detailed description of the carrying out of those instructions for the setting up of…