The First Things (Creation) (8):The Ordinance of…
If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Genesis, chapter 2. We have, for the last few weeks, been looking at the creation ordinances as they are recorded in chapters 1 and 2. We have outlined those ordinances in four parts. We've said that there are many legitimate ways to number the creation ordinances. Sometimes you hear three names. John Murray finds seven in his great book, Principles of Conduct. We've numbered them for the sake of convenience here, one through four. First of all, in Genesis 1:28 the ordinance of procreation. Then again, in Genesis 1:28, the ordinance of labor. Then in Genesis 2, verse 3, we see the ordinance of the Sabbath. And finally tonight in Genesis 2:24 especially, but throughout this passage, we see the ordinance of marriage. Last…