Many of my RTS friends and supporters may not know that my call to serve as Chancellor and Professor at RTS actually comes from my presbytery. Because of this, I am required to give an annual report on my ministry (which I joyfully do!), in order to evidence the exercise of my ministerial calling “out of bounds” of the presbytery (that is, not at one of the local churches that comprise our regional court of the church). Here is this year’s report, submitted to the fathers and brothers of the Presbytery of the Mississippi…
Reformed Theological Seminary PRESS RELEASE Experienced pastor and church planter with a heart for missions and campus ministry to become next executive director August 1 (JACKSON, MS) – July 3, 2018 – Chancellor and CEO Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III and the RTS Board of Trustees are excited to announce the appointment of James L. (Jay) Harvey III as the next executive director of RTS New York City. Most recently the senior pastor of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Newark, Delaware, where he served since 2005, Dr. Harvey is known for his…
Today, the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) released The Nashville Statement. I’ve been a part of CBMW for about 25 years (and the organization is 30 years old this year). CBMW originally came into being to affirm complementarianism: that is, that God has created male and female in his image, and thus has designed men and women, as his image-bearers, to be both equal in their essential dignity and human personhood, and different from and complementary to one another, with all Christian husbands called to lead their homes in…
Reformed Theological Seminary will once again be well-represented at the Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly in Greensboro next week. If you are making plans to attend some seminars while you are there, be sure to check these out.…
I enjoyed lunch today with John Perritt. John works with RYM – Reformed Youth Ministries (more about that in a minute). He writes for The Gospel Coalition and Desiring God (among other places) and served as youth pastor at Pear Orchard…
Dr Luder G. Whitlock, Jr is executive director of the CNL Charitable Foundation and the JMS Foundation; president of Excelsis; and minister at large for the First Presbyterian Church of Orlando. He was the second President of Reformed Theological…
Tuesday, May 3, 2016, The Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley – PCA (PMV) unanimously adopted the following overture to the PCA General Assembly, entitled “Confession of the Sin of Racism, and Commitment to Christian Unity,” as…
Just after 3 o’clock in the afternoon on Tuesday, May 3, 2016, in French Camp, Mississippi, the The Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley – PCA (PMV) unanimously approved an overture to the PCA General Assembly “Confession of the…
Are you preparing for a life of ministry? Why should you choose RTS? Take less than five minutes to learn about what Reformed Theological Seminary has to offer. Here.