I want to introduce you to my friend and colleague Dr. Scott Redd, President and Associate Professor of Old Testament at the Washington campus of Reformed Theological Seminary. Scott previously taught Old Testament and served as Dean of Students at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. His PhD was under the supervision of the Department of Semitic Language and Egyptian Languages and Literatures at the Catholic University of America. While pursuing his doctoral studies, he taught and ministered at Fourth Presbyterian Church in…
A few months ago, Daniel Darling (of the ERLC) wrote a special for the CNN Belief Blog called “Millennials and the false ‘gospel of nice.'” You can go directly to that article here: http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2014/04/03/millennials-and-the-false-gospel-of-nice/. There are a number of points that he makes that faithful pastors and Christians may find encouraging, and so I am linking to it here for your edification (just ICYMI). The main thing I would draw your attention to is his rejoinder to the oft-repeated assertion that…
Here’s a regular podcast that you don’t want to miss. 5 Minutes in Church History, by Dr. Stephen Nichols. 5 Minutes in Church History is a weekly podcast that provides an informal and informative look at church history: the people, events, and even the places that have shaped the story of Christianity. You can stay connected with 5 Minutes in Church History by getting the weekly podcast on iTunes, SoundCloud, or via RSS. You can also subscribe to the blog via RSS and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. 5 Minutes in Church History…
My friend Denny Burk (who teaches at Boyce College in Louisville, KY) has hit on an aspect of the recent discussion of ENDA (the Employment Non-discrimination Act) that thoughtful Christians ought to ponder. Here’s what Denny says: “The…
Dr. Ligon Duncan, Chancellor/CEO and John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology of Reformed Theological Seminary will represent RTS at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil (Supremo Concílio, Igreja…
Dr. Owen Strachan, Professor at Boyce College, Louisville, Kentucky and President of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) did a terrific job on a brief media interview on the subject of religious liberty on college campuses. He was…
My predecessor and friend Dr. Robert C. (Ric) Cannada, Jr., chancellor emeritus of Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS), is spending a lot of time in Indonesia these days, expanding Christian education and fostering an amazing movement…
I want to commend to you the free RTS Mobile App. You can get it at Apple iTunes and it is now available on the Amazon App store for all Kindle devices! RTS Mobile, the official RTS App, is also available on Android and Windows Phones. We are…
Here’s some good pre-4th of July reading for you from Historian Thomas S. Kidd. Dr. Kidd is a professor at Baylor, an expert in early American history and is the author of a new biography of George Whitefield that is due out this autumn. Here…