The Disciples’ Continuing Unbelief, Part 2: The…
If you have your Bibles I’d invite you to turn with me to Matthew chapter 17. We'll be looking verses 22 and 23 today. In this passage we come to the second great announcement of Jesus' impending suffering and death and resurrection. In our studies of Matthew 17, so far we've seen in the first 13 verses that account of His transfiguration; the glory of Christ shone forth for a moment, the veil temporarily pulled back, so that we might see the glory and the might and the beauty and the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. And then immediately, in contrast to that in verses 14 through 21, as Jesus and the disciples descend from the mountain into the plains meeting up with the other disciples, they are met by a crowd in tumult. The crowd is wondering, the scribes and the…