With God in the Wilderness (26) The Red Heifer
The Lord’s Day Evening Numbers 19:1-22 “The Red Heifer” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III Please be seated. If you have your Bibles before you, turn to Numbers 19. Let me invite you to turn to the New Testament to I Corinthians 10, and let me just remind you of a couple of things. First of all, the song that we have just sung is really the perfect song for studying Numbers 19, because it’s a chapter that is really, when you look at it closely, all about the blood of Jesus. Ruling Elder Mark Baird prayed that we would show our children Jesus as we talk to them. Well, that’s really all we’re going to do tonight. In fact, let me tell you ahead of time that what I want to do as we look at Numbers 19 is show you seven ways that it points directly to Jesus Christ. To help us…