Knowing God
If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Psalm 76. We've already commented that Psalm 74 and 75 are tied together. Psalm 74 ends with a plea for God to rise up and defend His own cause (in the 22nd verse), and Psalm 75 contemplates the confidence of the believer at the very thought of the coming of God's judgment, whereas Psalm 76 contemplates that judgment at least in some measure as already having come. The Septuagint (or, the Greek translation of the Old Testament that was commonly known and read in Jesus’ day) even adds to the inscription of this Psalm that is occurred on the occasion of the victory of God against Sennacherib and the Assyrians, and Hezekiah lifted up his prayer before God for the defense of His people against this mighty army of some…