Continuing in the Truth of the Word
The Lord's Day Morning May 15, 2005 II Timothy 3:10-17 “Continuing in the Truth of the Word” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III Amen. If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to II Timothy, chapter three, verse ten. Have you ever composed in your mind the last words that you were going to say to someone? Really–the last words. They were getting ready to depart this life; may have been a friend you’re going to see in the hospital, and you knew that this might be the last time that you would be with that friend. Or maybe it was a friend from another land. You knew that in parting, it was unlikely, unless the Lord brought about some extraordinary providence, that He would put the two of you back together in the same place; and you knew that in this world this might be the…